Dallas Videographer | Firebrand Media

B-roll Service



B-roll or secondary roll is the glue of the main story line. It's what we use to bring together beginning, middle and end (BME) of a single video. B-roll is essentially the auxiliary footage that video editors use to complete and shape the main shots in a video production. It's like the side dish that compliments the main course, or the extra toppings on your pizza!


When you use B-roll, you want to understand the types of B-roll that a videographer can shoot. There are 3 types: close ups, medium, and wide shot. All three can be used to flesh out important talking points within a video by providing varied imagery. This gives the audience more context from both the micro and macro elements of visual storytelling.

film integration

Once our Dallas production crew shoots with you in person, we like to have our video marketing SEO experts circle back and find the keywords of the video that can be visually represented by secondary roll. For example, if you are developer on a construction site, The Firebrand Media field team would go back after shooting your video and capture close ups of the machinery, medium shots of you the subject, and finally, capture wide establishing shots to give the audience context of where there at.

B-roll is an essential element of storytelling within video production companies. When used right, it can be just the right amount of complimentary footage needed to bring your video to life. To learn more, watch the video below where our Chief Editor, Simon, explains how and why videographers use b-roll and how intentional and skilled practical application of this video editing service turns average videos into portfolio staples for our clients!
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what is B-roll?

B-roll is an essential element of storytelling within video production. When used right, it can be just the right amount of complimentary footage needed to bring your video to life. To learn more, watch the video below where our Chief Editor, Simon, explains how and why videographers use b-roll and how intentional and skilled practical application of this video editing service turns average videos into portfolio staples for our clients!

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Our company is comprised of highly-creative videographers, video editors, photographers, and forward-thinking video marketers striving to produce high-quality visual assets while building long-lasting relationships and partnerships.
Our founders would love to meet your leadership team personally. Call us today to set up a meeting – we can’t wait to hear from you!