Dallas Videographer | Firebrand Media

What Is the Most Popular Video Marketing Service?

What is the most popular video marketing? As a video production company specializing in marketing video production and video marketing services, we’ve had several clients ask us what the best video marketing strategy is, what the most popular types are, and which types are the most effective?

Well, the answer to these questions will depend on numerous variables, such as the industry, brand, product or service itself, the intended calls-to-action, video platforms and placements once produced, and audiences being sought as targets for viewing. In this article, we’ll answer these in a high-level consultation of sorts, explaining how these variables normally influence the video marketing initiatives, as well as the reasons behind the most popular video marketing tactics. 

There are several ways to appeal to an audience using video marketing services. But the most popular way to market your video depends first on the channel frequented by that audience. Here are some examples of social media video marketing, if market research has shown that this channel is a hotspot for a specific audience segment.

With social media video production for marketing, we can create a host of video styles (which make any budget considerations easier to meet on both the client and video production company’s side). These include, but are not limited to, short reels. Which are perfect for younger audiences, busy professionals low on scroll-time during the day, and a host of industry-specific viewers.

In addition to short videos and reels, we can use longer, story-driven video marketing pieces that are often used to lead-nurture those who are already business followers and aware of the brand. This long-form video may be on the shorter side of the spectrum, around a minute or two, and up to around 10 minutes in length. Pretty much any video production style can be useful for marketing on social media, opening far and wide the popularity of this marketing video strategy. Using a social platform to drive brand awareness, sales of the product or service, and nurture brand loyalty is always a good idea.

Another popular video marketing strategy would be using platforms like YouTube to host a series of content that create antecedent authority and awareness for the brand, or spokesperson for the company. An example would be using YouTube to host a video podcast production as law firm marketing videography, wherein the attorney is talking about specific topics regarding personal injury. A great way to do this is to break these videos up and use snippets, teasers and clips of the podcast as smaller pieces for posting on social media. While driving interest to the longer pieces featured on YouTube. You can see how it’s marketing. But it’s entertaining at the same time. At Firebrand Media, we call it just that, informing yet entertaining. Think about a moment when you were sold on a product or service by being entertained by it.

This type of content sells because it shows your authority. It shows your knowledge base and it shows your experience within your own field, adding the trust element that’s so crucial to converting potential clients/buyers that are still in the decision stage of the buyer’s journey. Noteworthy is that the audience isn’t being directly targeted with an advertisement in this instance (which would be PPC or paid ad video production – another popular video marketing channel for those with the wallets to use it), but are indirectly being marketed to through the podcast by seeing the expert unfold complex topic and issues in real time.

A strategy that’s popular for reasons including web hosting, website page speed, and marketing is video SEO for both YouTube and Google engagement. Doing a series of videos like the podcasts we used as an example, is very helpful in targeting two different metrics when it comes to marketing. Hosting those videos on your website through YouTube plugins will add equity to your website’s domain and give Google incentive to rank it higher in search results for money-making keywords site-wide. While at the same time, optimizing the titles, descriptions, and other SEO attributes of those videos is very helpful in ranking high on YouTube itself.

While this strategy is likely not the most popular of them all, that’s simply because it’s not yet common knowledge that there’s an opportunity to optimize for search engine presence at all. That said, when done professionally and thoroughly, increasing visibility on these search engines is very important for marketing success, as our experience in digital marketing has proven time and time again.

These are a few of the most popular video marketing strategies that we have seen being used in the field of video production services. If you’re struggling to leverage the idea of popular video marketing, or don’t know where to start with marketing video production, we encourage you to begin with research of, and targeting for, the audience. The audience is key in understanding what type of content is being created, is it short form for fast attention span or is it long form as to tell a story or lend credibility? What platform is the best place to host the content? And what is the end goal for the content? Is there a call to action in a longer series or in your reels that drive those audience members to a landing page and or calls them to action. This is the number one question to think about.

Picture of J Wardrup

J Wardrup

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