Dallas Videographer | Firebrand Media

How to Look & Feel Your Best in a Corporate Video

**This is a guest blog post presented by Midtown Family Dentistry of Dallas**

As a dentist, I’m often asked how to look good on camera. That’s only natural – my work strongly focuses on peoples’ appearances, especially their faces. In particular, some of my clients will ask for ways to come across well in corporate videos. These little films, after all, can help someone’s business grow its leads and boost brand awareness!

Well, I’ve dropped by today to answer the latter question. To that end, here are a few tips on looking and feeling great to ensure that your investment in a corporate video production company or videographer has the most positive impact and true ROI. 

Hire a Stellar Videographer

First things first: You should hire a qualified videographer before anything else. They’ll deliver professional results a DIY approach couldn’t.

You see, video production is a field that requires great skill. Experts in it thus have years of experience and training. They know how to use video software to enhance visuals, arrange scenes, etc.

If you need your upcoming video to look stunning, then, get a professional videographer or corporate video production company to help!

Dress for (Corporate) Success

A corporate video production service conveys a company’s identity, so wear something on-brand for it. That way, you’ll be a fitting representative who embodies your workplace’s values.

Some examples can further illustrate this concept. For instance, a cupcake business might have you wear colorful clothes that seem cheery and happy. On the other hand, an interior designing company with unique colors may involve an outfit with similar shades.

If you think through these matters, you’ll feel more comfortable. Choosing the right outfit leaves you feeling creative and not like you’re restricted to a box just for a video.

In speaking with a Dallas videographer on the matter, Gracie Mas, Co-founder at Firebrand Media Llc, told me that some key things to remember with wardrobe on-set include:

  1. Bringing 2 or 3 extra outfits to a video shoot, so that your production crew (especially if doing advertisement video production) can create video and photo assets for social posts, corporate event production promos and recaps, corporate reels, future promo b-roll, and YouTube videos in a single shoot day.

    Not only does this save you labor costs if using a day-rate videographer, but if you have a video marketing company or long-term content plan for video SEO or social media video marketing, you can map out your posts and webpage design, copy-creation, or ad campaigns well in advance. This makes launches run smoothly and frees you and your team up to focus on other strategies for lead-gen.

  2. Bring a lint-roller (or five) and a hair brush! Gracie explained that one of the biggest pain-points her team has in photographer and videographer post-production services is cleaning up or editing-out dust and debris on clothing and flyaway hairs. The less laborious the corporate video production service is, the more bang you’ll get for your post-production budget, guaranteed.

  3. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. The key to fiery video content is confidence. Without confidence in your script, the hesitation can permeate the final video product even with the most skilled of editors in your court. So, confidence is key – love your smile and look, know yourself, believe in your quality of work, learn your audience and practice that script!

Prep Your Smile with Dental Work

For better or worse, one of the first things people notice about you is your smile. So, ensure your video makes a good impression by getting dental work before filming.

At a consult visit, you can discuss your smile goals with a local dental practice. From there, the dentist can perform an oral exam and suggest some cosmetic options. They’ll then give you a treatment that works best for you, transforming your grin so it looks great on video.

Sleep Well the Night Before

In truth, sleeping well the night before filming is crucial. Doing so makes a video turn out better than it would otherwise.

The reason has to do with feeling energized and well-rested. Your body performs well when it gets enough sleep, leading to a more engaging appearance on screen. In contrast, a poor night’s sleep can result in dark eye circles and a sluggish demeanor – qualities that aren’t great for acting.

As you can see, the ideal look for a corporate video production takes work to achieve. With the above tips, though, you’ll be well on your way to thrilling customers and coworkers alike!

Picture of Joy N.
Joy N.

Copywriter and content marketing coordinator for Midtown Family Dentistry of Dallas and editor of local business content-creation collaborations.

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