Dallas Videographer | Firebrand Media

How Much Does A Videographer Cost In Dallas?

How much does the average videographer charge for a video? Videographers in Dallas typically charge by either a day-rate or hourly. The videographer cost per hour can range from an estimated $100 to $300 and up for both the filming and video editing labor. For a beginner videographer, you can expect an hourly rate of $20 to $40, with an average day-rate between $200 and $500. While an extravagant and experienced wedding videographer may charge upwards of $10,000. 

Videographer prices vary depending on event or production’s size, length of time, amount of crew members needed, footage quality, camera gear needed, and the videographer’s individual experience and demand.

By contrast, videography service costs for Dallas video production company videographers like Firebrand Media Llc typically charge per video production service delivered. This could either make the videography more cost-effective for you, the cost to be about the same as the average videographer, or more costly (but less risky). If you’re hiring for a single event production, but would like multiple videos produced from the day (an event recap video, a social media snippet of the recap, and a speaker video with reels, for example) the production company may be more likely to price the event production services lower because of package prices or company exposure and sales potential they get from working your event.

While in theory, any videographer could price video services this way, typically videographers don’t possess the business-minded marketing foresight that a video production company might, as the larger video service volume and expenses necessary to employ a team fosters vitality in future-capital and investment-return foresight.

Additionally, you may be at a pricing advantage in the way of multiple production crew members joining the production simply because they’re already on payroll. In this situation, you get the benefits of multiple cameras, more captured moments, more footage for video editors to pull from, varied and optional angles and less risk of a no-show videographer on your important day.

Understanding these concepts about videographer costs in Dallas, you can see why the phrase “you get what you pay for” is either inherently untrue or entirely-too-true. We recommend always checking the credentials and reviews before hiring for your video production, being wary of any price below the $500 per video range (unless there is reason to believe that the videography deal is purposeful, with business promotion and sales as incentivization for the video production company to offer a lower cost.

For more information about Dallas videography services and pricing, we’d love to give you a free consultation. Not only do we personally know the majority of Dallas videographers due to our experience in the DFW video production and event production space, we also can coach you on what to look for in a Dallas videographer before hiring them. In fact, this is incentivized for us because it gives us insight into the mind of our customer base, and the price ranges that individuals gravitate towards for their purposes. Call us today for information!

Picture of J Wardrup

J Wardrup

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